


29 Apr - 01 May 2024



Welcome to the 12th edition of the Saudi HPC/AI Conference, proudly presented by King Khalid University. This year, our focus is on leveraging the power of High Performance Computing (HPC) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to tackle some of the most pressing challenges in climate change, natural resource management, and agriculture.

Gathering a diverse group of enthusiasts, from users and experts to technology providers, the event promises to be a fertile ground for sharing insights, innovative ideas, and real-life experiences. This convergence aims to foster advancements and collaborations that will drive progress in these critical areas.

Join us in sharing your experiences, learn from pioneering leaders in the field, and explore how HPC and AI can be pivotal in shaping a sustainable future. This conference ranks as a top event in Saudi Arabia, especially within the realms of AI, HPC, Agriculture, and Climate, making it a must-attend for anyone involved in these sectors.

Categories: SaudiArabia
Tags: AI, Miscellaneous, HPC, Agriculture, Climate, Top 100 in Miscellaneous in Saudi Arabia