07 - 09 Oct 2023
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International Conference on Advanced Informatics: Concepts, Theory and Applications
09:00 AM-06:00 PM (expected)
Entry Fees
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Estimated Turnout
Event type
Title: International Conference on Advanced Informatics: Concepts, Theory and Applications
Description: Join us for the 10th International Conference on Advanced Informatics: Concepts, Theory, and Applications (ICAICTA 2023) in a landmark event co-organized by Toyohashi University of Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, and Burapha University. This pivotal conference is designed to convene experts from across the globe to engage in knowledge exchange and showcase research findings in fields of IT & Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Science & Research, Computer Science, and Electrical Engineering. ICAICTA 2023 represents an unparalleled opportunity for professionals and researchers to network, learn, and contribute to the advancement of the sector. It's highlighted as one of the Top 100 in Science & Research events in Indonesia, ensuring its significance and impact.
Category: Indonesia
Tags: IT & Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Science & Research, research, Computer Science, Top 100 in Science & Research in Indonesia, Electrical Engineering
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