


31 Oct - 02 Nov 2023



Title: Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing

Description: Dive into the evolving world of hyperspectral data processing at our comprehensive workshop, designed to unite experts and enthusiasts from across the field. Explore a wide range of topics, including the latest in spectrometers and hyperspectral sensors, advanced techniques in physical modeling, effective strategies for noise estimation and reduction, innovative approaches to dimension reduction, cutting-edge methods in unmixing and source separation, practical insights into segmentation, classification, and detection, as well as the application of high-performance computing, compression technologies, deep learning, and artificial intelligence in hyperspectral data processing. Contributions from those working on applications-oriented projects are highly encouraged. Join us for this enriching experience to share, learn, and collaborate.

Category: Greece

Tags: IT & Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Data, hyperspectral, high-performance compute